Friday, July 20, 2007

Just a Polite Way to Say...

acabo de colgar con helen y tuvimos una platica humorosa y muy profunda a cerca de cuando la gente (toda esa gente que nos rodea como familiares o amigos que se sienten "normales") nos ha dicho, "ah eso está padrísimo, pero yo nunca lo usaría" (we get that a lot) ¿qué significa eso? is that a polite way of saying you´re a weirdo? or strange, and maybe even both? qué dices en esas situaciones? de reflejo contestabas, "gracias", pero claro, estas agradeciendo a un insulto.. a polite insult, un insulto por debajo de la mesa...
entonces, desarrollamos un mini test para la próxima vez que nos (te) suceda.

Question. What do you do, when a friend, relative or other, comes up to you and says, wow what a great "x", but i would never wear that, or that would only look good on you.

Do you:
A. Say thank you
B. Fake a seisure
C. Casually turn around and leave
D. Go for ice cream

Si contestaste:
A. You probably didn´t get it
B. You´re mentally unstable
C. You deserved it.
D. They were right, you are strange, weird, both and other


Anonymous said...

I would totally fake a seizure! But clearly we both know I´m mentally unstable among some other very disturbing things jaja! Pero lo que si es neto es que a la próxima no voy a decir gracias porque you are totally right, it´s the politest insult ever, but still an insult!

cm said...

I would answer :
e) awww, it is a shame you admit to be such a mass appeal copy cat.

Or probably just fake a seizure.... to being polite jajaja