Wednesday, May 5, 2010


all i can say is finally.
i was finally able to bring myself to take down my i´ll be your mirror title image.. i loved it at a certain point and credit to dea for helping me put it together, but that was about two years ago i think, i no longer felt it went with what this blog turned in to... seems like ages, now i understand why all of a sudden i was in the mood for midnight juggernauts and polyrock... spontaneous flashback.

trying to keep it simple, or simpler at least, i remember when i opened this blog, my friend mercedes and my motto was "more is more¨.. too much information me? dammnnn. overeager twenty year old who´d accidentally tripped and stepped into a whole lot of things..

in loving memory of
fat person in speedo diving into "sometimes i think, sometimes i don´t"
smiling plastic seal (aka kikone la foca)
"what are you looking at?"
illustrated jellyfish...

r.i.p., you will be missed.

this blogs´ anniversary was in april, guess april is just catching up. three years doesn´t seem like a lot, but in internet time and in blog posts (689 posts to be precise), equals an eternity.
feels like we´ve come a long way.. who knows?...
maybe we´ve stayed the same.

thank you blogger for being my shrink.


From the Life and Songs of the Olympian Cowboy said...

Siempre que hablas de tu blog antes yo comento lo mismo :P Pero a mí me gusta más ahora. Felicidades por tener tres años en esto. Yo hace como dos semanas me di cuenta que mi blog empezó en 2005. NO pude creerlo, a mí se me hace que llevo en esto tan poco tiempo. Pero no. Un abrazo.

Michell Halley said...

salvatore, gracias por pasar, gracias por el comentario, creo que también estoy mucho más contenta con el rumbo que tomó mirrorland, se siente, por lo menos para mi, mucho más espontáneo, antes lo sentía forzado, o llegó un punto donde lo hacía por compromiso.. en fin, a ver a dónde nos lleva esto.
espero que estés muy bien.